Wednesday, November 20, 2013



The 4th National Assembly of the United Religions Initiative was held at Bombay Pius College- Sarvodaya Center on 14th to 14th November,2013. The inauguration was at 5 p.m on 14th November, 2013. Dr. Victor Kazanjian,URI Executive Director inaugurated the National Assembly. He says” It is with profound sense of gratitude and with much anticipation with greetings to those who gather for the 4th National Assembly of the United Religions Initiative in India. I am so grateful for the honor that URI community has bestowed on me in asking me to serve as executive Director. It is a responsibility that I enthusiastically embrace as we continue the work of bringing peoples of different religions beliefs and cultural traditions together in the movement to bridge differences and create communities and cultures of peace." Mrs. Qutub Kidwai, Co-ordinator welcomed the chief guests and UI delegates from different states of India. Advocate Mrs. Kulkarni delivered keynote address. The coordinator summarized the programmes of the National Conference. After the interaction with Media, the dinner was  on 7.45 P.M.
15th November 6.45 A.M Optional Walk or Yoga. 
The opening prayer on the 2nd  day began on 9 A.M.Mr. Balakrishan, Chief Editor, D.N.A was the chief guest of the day. The URI coordinators presented the URI action plan around the country. URI charter reflection was on 12.15 P.M. The CC presentation was began on 2 P.M. Prof. John Kurakar,, Mr. Sajan Koshy and Mrs Mariamma Mathew presented the URI- South India Region CC reports. Moral Imagination session by Dr. AbrahamKarickom was at 3 P.M. The meeting facilitated Kiran Bali, the global Council chair person. She says that " I offer blessings of love and peace. Iam absolutely delighted to join you for the URI National Assembly in 2013. It is with immense pride that I celebrate my roots and my heritage from what I describe as incredible India”. Musical programme was at 8 P.M
The third day of the National Assembly on 16th November. Opening prayer was on 9 A.M Swami Chatur Vedi, Ramanuja Mission was the special Guest. After Swami Chaturvedi’s speech Mr. Liam, Global youth leader presented CC’s success stories. Mr Matthew,USA, and Krithika spoke on the occasion. After the Lunch the delegates visited Religious Pilgrim’s centers nearby Bombay. Share and reflections of the Pilgrim trip was at 5 P.M. URI young leaders, Mr Liam,Mathew and Krithika presented future action plans The closing ceremony was at 8 P.M Dr. Abraham Karickam presided over the valedictory function.

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