Thursday, June 12, 2014

Here rests a Mahatma

" Never condemn the young people; they will rise up and build". Here rests a great soul (Mahatma) in the form of Br. Roger, who always said like this. This is just in front of the ancient Roman Church in Taize, where the Community was founded 74 years ago.  With immense faith in the young, he traversed the globe, to conquer their minds and hearts. From Chile to Chittagong, Barcelona to Calcutta, he journeyed with ease, leading intercontinental teams of young people, and writing letters to the people of God.

On some evenings he used to call us youngsters for parleys in front of the residence of brothers in Taize Community. He encouraged us to ask all types of questions. On an occasion in 1980, I remember asking like this:

"Why can't we broaden the base of the Community so as to include all people from all religions?".
I had my interfaith inclinations even from younger days. He sat pensive for a while and then came the reply:

"We have done this much; you (youngsters) do the rest". That was like a command for me, personally. That strengthened my commitment.

The body vanishes, but the soul's sojourn never ends. Br. Roger is a fountain of inspiration for thousands of pilgrims like myself today  in this world of darkness and light.

Abraham Karickam

Pilgrimage of Trust

This is a usual sight in Taize in summer. Thousands of young people come to live and share the community life. They want to be effective links in the chain of the pilgrimage of Trust. We can see a long line of buses like this, bringing people from all over Europe. They live in tents and barracks all over the village. Large number of adults and children also come. What are the factors that attract them?

1. They proclaim to the world  that they want peace and reconciliation ( two key words dear to Taize).

2. They want to learn ways of simple living ( brothers of the Community don't accept any donation for their sustenance. They have their own income generating projects like farming, book stall, pottery etc.) . They don't bring even their inheritance. In the midst of plenty, they show example of   Very simple living.

3. The prayer in the chapel of reconciliation (three times a day) is an exciting experience. (There are no sermons). The songs and chantings go deep into our hearts.

4. They subscribe to the vision of Br. Roger - build a world without war and misery; accept every one as a child of God.

One week in Taize turn to be an unforgettable experience for one and all.

Abraham Karickam

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